1. Check driving conditions on the traveler information phoneline from CDOT. Know about closures, restrictions and adverse weather conditions: 303-639-1111 from within Colorado, 1-877-315-7623 from outside of Colorado
2. Carry adequate chains if driving through the Western I-70 corridor during months that may bring winter storms: “Starting September 1st, all commercial vehicles traveling on I-70 between milepost 133 (Dotsero exit) and milepost 259 (Morrison exit) must carry sufficient chains to be in compliance with the Colorado chain law. The law requires commercial vehicles to carry chains on this segment of I-70 from September 1st to May 31st.”
And if storms aren’t incentive enough, so are the fines: “The fine for not carrying chains between mileposts 133 and 259 on the I-70 corridor during the specified time season is $50 plus a surcharge. The fine for not chaining up when the chain law is in effect is $500 with a surcharge. The fine for not chaining up and subsequently blocking the highway is $1,000 plus a surcharge.”
3. Know which highways there are limitations for commercial vehicles, oversize vehicle and overweight vehicles on this detailed list.
4. No Oversize Movement is EVER allowed where the Chain Law is in Effect. – CDOT
5. Pilot cars in Colorado need to be certified by passing the pilot escort course in Colorado or states that Colorado recognizes, have the correct insurance coverage, and driving record must pass. Details for each are on the website
6. Find rules for transporting hazardous materials on the Colorado State Patrol website
7. Watch for rocks. Colorado Geological Survey says “Be extra alert during three particular times on Colorado’s highways: spring thaw, after heavy rains, and at night”